Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have come to realize that it takes as much discipline to blog as did does to run a marathon. I am keeping up with my running schedule, however missing a few runs every now and then. I always make it a point to get my long run in. This builds endurance for the 26.2 miles to come. In training for my last marathon, I always had trouble with fatigue in my legs after my long runs. I read in Runners World that taking an ice bath after your long run will help with soreness. I have to confess I hate taking an ice bath, however combined with stretching it really works. I can get up the next morning and feel fine.

The last several weeks have had some crazy weather. I was without power for almost a whole week at the beginning of the month. This past Sunday and Tuesday it was so warm I ran in shorts. Tonight it was in the 20s and I was freezing. Kentucky weather is so unpredictable. But one thing remains: regardless of the weather I have to run. I can always bundle up and about halfway through I don't even feel the cold. This Sunday will be my recovery run of only 10 miles. It will be nice to have a shorter long run before I really add up the miles in preparation for the big event in April.

I'm doing good in raising money for World Vision. Thank you so much to all of those individuals who have contributed. God calls us Christians to help the poor and needy. I don't know anyone more needy than the children in Africa who are dying every day from preventable diseases.

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