Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our state fair is the greatest state fair in the world!

I've had a great week. Yesterday, I took my amazing girlfriend to the Kentucky State Fair. She has never been before! I couldn't believe it. I've been every year for a very long time. The Burton's used to take a day off from school to go the fair. I don't go to ride rides, but to walk through all the exhibits. Everything from the animals to the quilts, fruits, vegetables, and even tobacco. There is so much to see that makes be proud to be a Kentuckian.

I ran every scheduled run and am feeling amazing. Before I ran because I knew if I didn't run, then I would not be able to meet my goal. Now going out to run is something I have to do. It is becoming a part of who I am. I've heard more experienced runners say this, but I've been running off and on or a couple of years now and am just now feeling it. It is a great feeling and I'm beginning to feel the fruits of the hard work. You can take a look to the right of the page to see my recent runs.

What about the Olympics? I have always been a huge fan of the Olympics. I remember as a young child watching gymnastics in awe. Probably not so much how amazingly athletic they were, but how pretty I thought they were. Now it is illegal for me to have those thoughts! As I have matured in age, so has my respect for all the sports. I enjoy some sports more than others. I like the swimming, gymnastics, and track and field. I particularly like the marathon, because having experienced, distance running is one of the most difficult things a human being can do. Some sports I don't watch, like handball. What is up with that? It's like some kids couldn't kick around a soccer ball so they created a game with a little soccer ball that you throw instead of kick. I also don't watch basketball. Being from the bluegrass state, I get enough of basketball in the winter. I enjoy watching sports you don't always see. I have to say my favorite sport to watch is beach volleyball. For those of you who know me, probably aren't surprised. I've been a fan of beach volleyball for several years now going to several AVP tournaments. These men and women are such athletes. I'm glad Phil and Todd, and Kerri and Misty are still in the hunt for gold. I have no doubt that Kerri and Misty will win, because they are by far the best women on the sand. Phil and Todd, I believe, are the best, but there are many other great men out there. I think they will win the gold if they are playing their A game. We'll just have to see. This is enough of my Olympic rambling. I hope it is another great week of Olympics.

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